I thought at one time I knew how to beat the system,how to use credit cards to my advantage, make minimal payments and carry a large balance never to be payed off, buy home low down intrest only payments, new car 5 years to pay leaving us lots of fun money, never any savings in bank, What do I need that for? .... Then came the rude awakening ! My company down sized allI I had was workmans comp,Ihad to take a job paying a lot less money .I found myself in the so called debters jungle with no way out. then came the threating letters , phone calls , people coming on my job demanding payment .I needed help and now, I called Family Financial Planners inc The great people there helped me get squared away with the creditors make payments I could afford , showed me how to manage money and finaly get out of that lungle of debt. My heart felt thanks to Family Financial Planners......Larry R