The Family Doctor has been serving Chapel Hill and the surrounding community since 1985. We are proud of our quality reputation we have established here.
Dr. Glenn Withrow is a board certified physician & the owner/medical director of the practice. Along with Dr. Withrow we have 3 licensed certified physician assistants to see patients by appointment & provide walk-in care for immediate/urgent needs 7 days a week.
We cannot satisfy everyone that walks into our office. At times individuals come in telling our providers what they want: antibotics, pain medications, sedatives, etc.
We provide what is medically necessary and follow "good medicine" guidelines.
We do not prescribe antibotics for every illness. Every sore throat is not strep throat, bad colds do not respond to antibotics.
Every ache nor pain needs to be treated with narcotics. Prior to writing prescriptions for narcotics our providers review the NC Controlled Substance website & previous medical records from UNC, Duke or Durham Regional Hospital as appropriate.
For fractures or severe sprains we provide the patient with a splint to stabilize the injury and refer to an orthopeadic office as indicated. We have not placed a cast on anyone since the mid-1990s.
One of the local newspaper did a survey of it's readers and The Family Doctor was ranked as being one of the "Best in the Triangle 2010" under medical offices.
If you need a "medical home" or just need an immediate illness/accident to be treated, we hope you will trust us with your health care.
Pros: Quality care, easy access, friendly staff
Cons: We provide what is medically necessary