Our Mission To integrate families and persons in Christ, by believing and living the Word, to have a better relationship with God and with others. Values 1. Genuine Love: We show it with our authentic relationship with God and with others. We demonstrate love inside, and outside of our congregation. 2. Spiritual Growth: As Disciples of Christ, we study the Bible to grow, for Scripture to correct us, and learn how to love God and others. We encourage to put into practice everything learned in our Discipleship Courses, Bible Teachings, and Biblical Sermons, to continue maturing in the faith. 3. Responsibility: We show fruits of growth, when we live in action and take responsibility for our actions and commitments to God, to the law, and to the Church. Part of our commitment to God is being good stewards with what He has given us. The Bible teaches us to submit to our authorities and abide by the law, we encourage everyone to live their lives this way and lead by example, to reflect Christ in all we do. Being part of the body of Christ, we are all called to serve. 4. Evangelism: We practice relational evangelism, like Christ demonstrated. All people need to hear the Gospel. So we share it locally, and globally through Missions. 5. Unity: As family in Christ, we stick together. We believe that we do everything better together, rather than alone or as an individual. We practice unity, so that together, we can do more to expand the Kingdom of God. 6. Marriage Commitment: We believe that marriage was created by God. It is a solemn covenant made in a legal ceremony before God and witnesses, between one man and one woman, that is the Biblical definition that we stand by. It is our conviction that every Christian marriage has the responsibility and privilege of having a strong relationship with God, and that we learn to have better relationships with our spouse, with our children, and others. 7. Service: We use the gifts and talents God has given us to serve Him, His Church, and our Community. With our gifts we serve God and others. 8. Worship: We worship God, we do this as a response to who He is, what He has done, and continues to do.