I have attended this church for a very long length of time now. Most of the ones that have left and done the most complaining. Are ones that have been blessed by God the most when they attend this church. Once God shines a light on there sin is when the back bighting and loss of sight takes place. I have witnessed it myself. Its all good until God uses the Pastor to shine the light on sin. Because of the truth being spoken at this church. Its easy to get bitter when we may get hurt by someone that has shown us a lot of love and than forget all that God used that very person to do for them. As was said in a past review we are all human even Pastors. If we really want to ""stop the madness"" we must look at ourselfs! God is not going to ask us what our brother, sister, aunt, uncle, mom, dad, Pastor did in this life. When we stand before Him. He is going to ask us what did we do as individuals. A mighty man of God asked a congregation in a sermon recently. If what other people have done to us has out weighed anything we have done to God and been forgiven by God for. Not one person could raise there hand. This church is a God fearing church. Not perfect, but making every effort to make heaven our home including the Pastor. If you want the Truth and feel you can handle the Truth. Come join us!
Pros: God is the focus and the truth is tought!!
Cons: Our flesh