Welcome to Faith Evangelical Lutheran!
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 24300 W. Grass Lake Road in Antioch, IL. We are a Christian community committed to celebrating and worshiping in the name of God. The Church year is divided into two main parts: the festival and non-festive half. The festival half which covers the life of Christ typically begins about December 1 and ends about May 30. Each church year begins with Advent and the promises of His coming, the birth of Jesus, His ministry, His suffering, death, resurrection, ascension and Pentecost. The non-festival half, which emphasizes the Christian's life of response to Christ, typically begins about June 1 and ends about November 30.
Our regular service schedule is as follows:
â?¢ Sunday Mornings: 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
â?¢ Sunday School: 9:30 AM
â?¢ Sunday Adult Bible classes: 9:30 AM
â?¢ Monday Evenings: 7:00 PM
Faith Evangelical Lurtheran supports a variety of ministries and activities for all ages including Adult Bible Studies, High School Bible classes, Lutheran Pioneer Programs and more! We are also here to welcome you whether you are having a wedding or funeral. Our goal is to welcome and include, as well as fellowship with people from all walks of life.
Faith Evangelical Lutheran School is located at 1275 Main Street in Antioch, IL. Our preschool and elementary school offer classes for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. Our dedicated, knowledgeable teachers are on our staff to ensure that our students are getting the best possible education. Our building has ten classrooms, gymnasium and a playground.
Our curriculum includes:
â?¢ Language Arts
â?¢ Mathematics
â?¢ Science
â?¢ Technology
â?¢ Social Studies
â?¢ Music
â?¢ Art
â?¢ Physical Education
Faith has been committed to educational excellence from the beginning. While times and methods have changed, our commitment to educating the whole child has not. Our philosophy and goals are growing in faith, knowledge and Christian living.