I'm going through these reviews, and I am thinking to myself: Did these people go to the same school I am going to?
Because that's not what I am experiencing. Faith Baptist Schools is the reason why I haven't fallen apart. Psychological torture? I'm sorry, but I'm not sure where that exactly came from. I don't agree with everything they say, but they are certainly not hateful or judgemental.
I remember when I first went entered the school, I was a wreck. My former school was not very good at all, and I was bullied physically, emotionally, and mentally for the 6 years that I attended there. So when I entered that 5th grade class, I was untrusting, thought that they were stupid, and that God was not real.
I learned otherwise. My teacher, Mrs. Adrian Wise, took the time to ignore my hateful comments to her and my classmates and help me grow as an individual. She broke the "tough" shell I had put up to stay away from people. She showed me Christ's love.
That is an example of the treatment most children get. And yes, I admit, there were some preachers who were like "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" but they never showed up again. When I became depressed, my principal came to me and told me that if I ever needed someone to talk to, she would be there. And she was.
As a sixteen year old girl, I know that there is much in life that I know I need to learn. But I have learned much from Faith, how to be a better person, how to treat others. They are anything but hateful...though I must admit, there are some issues they do not know how to deal with properly.
But I know, and I mean, I KNOW that they truly care for their students. Sometimes they don't react in a preferable way, but none of us are perfect. I love Faith Baptist, and I love the faculty. I've already gone through my "rebellious" stage...I thought that they were prejudice and that they hated everyone who wasn't like them. But frankly, I was wrong. If there is one thing I know faith baptist doesn't do, its to judge a book by its cover.