Old Fashioned Baptist Church- These are the best words to describe FBC. Friendly people, good music, Bible-based preaching... just like the church services of we read about in books :)
Faith Baptist Church is the most amazing place in the world! Pastor Goddard loves people more than any pastor I have ever known. The teaching on families, child-rearing, and marriage has more common sense and amazing results than I have ever heard. Preacher constantly points us toward God and to have a walk with God and to love Him, and to keep God in every relationship -- that is what makes it work!
The music here is wonderful! I love to hear music that points my mind toward the goodness and mercy of God and His love for me - without sounding like it came from a rock concert. Good, clean, decent music is one of the best forerunners of a great sermon. Just recently, I heard a quote from an amazing lady here. She said, ""I don't want to dig into the world's music and clean it off."" That is the exact philosophy Preacher has - we don't want music that is ""spotted"" with the world. I love hymns! The words of most hymns are convicting enough to skip a whole sermon! Preacher loves hymns and has walked guard around keeping our music clean and glorifying to God.
Preacher has been teaching on purity during this whole past month. Not just purity of body, but of mind as well. So many times we think we are ""getting away with"" wrong thoughts - criticism, slander, unkindness, NOT thinking about God (you know the things we don't even know are sins)... but God hears our thoughts and these lessons have prompted me to strive toward having a cleaner thinking process in every area of my life. Preacher's passion for right is definitely overflowing into the teens, adults, and children of our church. Every time my child makes an observation between that which is right and that which is popular - I am so thrilled to know they see no sense in doing what doesn't make sense.
Though I am not perfect (and never will be) I am humbled by the fact that God can still use me in some small way to further His Gospel. The friends I have here are those who encourage me to do right. It is so much easier to do right, and live clean with friends who have the same goals.
I have been attending FBC for the last 14 years and I would not trade one moment of it. My husband started coming to FBC as a teen and we would not be married or have the wonderful fun family we have without Pastor Goddard and Faith Baptist Church.