Hello from Holland! Herman ahd I are here for his dad's funeral. It was today,( Tuesday, Nov. 13), and we are both quite exhausted from it all. God blessed the services today with a clear Gospel message and I got to sing as well. The church building was designed so well that I didnt even need a mic. I sang the Old Rugged Cross in Dutch and the Holy City which are Herman's mom's favorite songs. Also, Herman got the chance to pray with his dad right before he came home from Holland a month ago whichgives us assurance that Dad is in heaven waiting for us to join him some day. The Doctors have given Herman's mom 3-6 months more to live because her cancer is spreading quickly. So, we will be making another trip back here in the near future. And We will be flying home this Sunday, Nov. 18, arriving in LA at 11:00 AM Pacific time. We will spend one night in a hotel there to sleep off the jet lag, then drive home on Monday. Thank you for all the prayers you've lifted to heaven for us lately. We have felt them. Please continue to pray for traveling mercies and for spiritual fruit to come from this ordeal. To God be the glory great things He has done! We love you all and will see you soon. Herman and Barbara Wissink