Although the landscape is nice, the apartments are not very up to date, small and lots of maintenance issues. The property managers, Harald and Aleeta are definitely not people oriented and could care less if you move are just numbers to them. They run the place like a prison, although some things are necessary to run a property smoothly, it seems excessive with their weekly flyers complaining about this or that and Aleeta walking around looking for anything she can to complain about or report you with, She never greets you or smiles and acts like it is her property rather than just a once a week assistant property manager! Pool is small and not heated, hardly ever open, laundry room closes at 9 on the dot and don't park backwards, leave a toy out or put anything in the window they do not like or put anything in your back porch that they consider not back porch worthy, All in all it would be an ok place to live without the sub standard management but with all the choices available in this area, I would suggest you look elsewhere for a happier experience! I did and wish I had done sooner.