Since 1957
Serving the Community since 1945*Sunday Casual Worship: 8:30am*Sunday Traditional Worship: 10:30am*Sunday School: 9:30 and 10:30*Weekday Preschool Established 1957*Childcare Available at All Worship Services*Senior Interim Pastor: Rev. David Hoffelt*Associate Pastor: Rev. Denise Ingram*Director of Chancel Choir: Dr. Hank Dahlman*Praise and Worship Leader: Jerry Mahn*Youth Coordinator: Ashley Ross*Bible Studies: Several meet through the week & in homes - find one that is right for you*Local, national, and international mission support*Health Ministries*Music Ministries - We welcome new members*Third Wednesday of Every Month (GIFT)Generations in Faith Together; Families are welcome to gather together for a potluck dinner*Hurricane Relief Efforts*Handicap accessible.
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