Since 1955, the family of F.E. Dabney Funeral Home has cared for the families in Ashland and surrounding areas with compassion and respect-beginning with H.W.
Dabney, then on to his son, Floyd E. Dabney, Sr. (Honey), the family tradition of assisting families, has become a family tradition.
Meeting with every family in their care, the Dabney's focus on the community, one family at a time.
As Funeral Director, the role of Henrietta and Floyd, Jr. extends to assisting the families after death, and ensuring that their loved one's memories and accomplishments are recognized within the family and the community. Working with the family during this period, both Dabney's assist in securing grief counseling as needed.
F.E. Dabney Funeral Home offers assistance with families or individuals wishing to make arrangements prior to the need of a funeral, and will work to meet every financial situation for family members. F.E. Dabney Funeral Home provides one of the lowest professional fees in the area. F.E. Dabney Funeral Home proudly services all denominations, specializing in traditional Southern Baptist services.
F.E. Dabney Funeral Home will coordinate services with the Veteran's Administration, to ensure that our service men and women receive all benefits afforded to them for their brave service to our country. Benefits include burial allowances, American burial flags, coordination of burial in National VA cemeteries, headstones and markers, and Presidential Memorial.. * Cemetery and Marker Arrangements
* Clergy Arrangements
* Cremation Services
* Floral Arrangements
* Funeral Services
* Obituary Coordination
* Pre-Need Planning
* Transportation