I read the reviews here about Dr. Zamora while looking for a physician close to my new house. He sounded perfect so I called to book an appt. Before I could get my name and the purpose of my call finished, the clerk said ""Let me cut you off there, what kind of insurance do you have"". When my Blue Cross passed muster, she told me I had to come in for sort of a pre-appointment with the doctor, no tests or procedures would be done that day, I would be ""verified"" as a patient. I agreed to the next day and when I arrived I was immediately asked for my id and insurance card and was given several pages to fill out. All of it was HIPPA releated except for the first page that was name address, next of kin, and you guessed it, verify all your insurance information...again. No medical history, medications, nothing, just insurance. After a good 20 minute wait, the young clerk called me up and told me my insurance was no good. I protested and even brought up my blue cross account on my phone, all to no avail. She could not get it through the automated system and didn't want to call and I would have to pay in full if I was to be allowed ""back"". I left, will never go back and am warning anyone that reads this. Dr. Zamora may be a good doctor and nice guy, but this is utter BS. No one should be treated this way!