The people here are scam artists. DO NOT GO TO THEM!!!!! I had Jim Czernek come out to my home and he said I needed a brand new furnace. He charged me $2200.00 and said he would waive the labor. How nice... Found out the furnace was really only $700.00 so he got is labor. A month later, the thing crapped on us so I attempted to contact Jim. I ended up getting his wife and she said he would have to call me back. A week went by and no call. Attempted several times after and no answer or returned call. I ended up calling the manufacturer and they sent somebody else out from Climate Control. The guy who came said that Jim installed the flue pipe incorrect and there's Carbon Monoxide leaking into my home. He had to shut me down and tear down my furnace. I have a 3 and 1/2 year and 3 pets. We could have been in serious danger. Style Crest (manufacturer) has now told me that Extreme Comfort is responsible for getting my furnace to work and ALL UNDER WARRANTY. I do not recommend this peeople as they do not do the work properly they just send over any Tom, Dick, or Harrry and then when you have a problem, they ignore you. NEVER AGAIN!!!!! FIX MY PROBLEM!!!!
Pros: Worst Company Ever
Cons: Everything