Title Transfers
Change ownership and issue new title, registration and license plates to new owners.
Registration Renewal
Renew registration on all vehicles and boats.
Lost License Plates
Replace that old or lost license plate with a brand new one.
O.H.V. Tags
Effective January 1, 2009, all Off-Highway Vehicles will require the new OHV Tag. We issue these tags in minutes.
Personalized License Plates
Ever wanted your own personalized license plate? Order one now.
Temporary Permits
In some cases we can issue you a temporary permit when the title work is incomplete or there is a problem preventing the issuance of license plates.
Level 1 Inspections (on & off-site)
All vehicles that are being titled in Arizona for the first time need a Level 1 inspection to verify the VIN and odometer. This usually takes less than 5 minutes and can be done at any FooteWork location or under special circumstances at the owners? location.
Boat Registrations
We can facilitate a faster, more efficient registration and transfer of boat registration through Arizona Department of Game & Fish and the United States Coast Guard.
Duplicate Titles
Can 't find that title to your vehicle? A duplicate can be done in minutes. We also have notaries on staff that can notarize your vehicle title if you are in the process of selling.
Mobile Home Titles
We can take care of all MVD transactions.
Affidavit of Affixtures
We are authorized to complete the affidavit of affixture process when a mobile home is being permanently affixed to real property.
In addition, we can do the un-affixture process as well.
Vehicle and Driver?s Records
New job prospect? Need a motor vehicle record? We can do a personal record printout in minutes.
Want a vehicle record for a vehicle that you own? We can do that too.
Problem Titles
We have a talented, enthusiastic staff that can help with that confusing title problem. Give us a crack at it and see what our professionals can do.
SR22 Insurance Lapse
Have an insurance lapse issue on your record? We can lift the suspension code quick and easy to get you back on the road.
VLT Paid Report
Many people don?t realize that the VLT (Vehicle License Tax) that is paid on their registration is TAX DEDUCTIBLE. We can run a report on all VLT that was paid in a year so you can deduct this on your income tax returns.
Abandoned Vehicle Inspections & Processing
Express Title can help you with the abandoned vehicle that s been left on your property. We are authorized to perform the necessary abandoned inspection then file and follow through on the process until its completion.
Towing & Salvage Yard Inspections
Express Title can process all of the necessary titles that accompany a towing company or salvage yard s needs. Salvage, Dismantle, Crush titles are all services we perform. We are also authorized to perform the necessary VIN inspection that?s required to complete the title work.