The headline pretty much says it all. I looked at their website online but of course they only post their good reviews...all four of them. When I went into Exotic car audio to get my stereo switched from my old car to my new car and visa versa, the man behind the counter spoke to me like he was doing me a favor instead of trying to get my business. After throwing around a few numbers in reference to the stereo and the harness it would need I asked him a simple question ""So I don't need to buy a new harness?"" He looked at me like I was an idiot and said ""Well I never turn down money so you can buy it if you want to."" When I asked him what the final cost would be he got excited and told me he was about to give me the cheapest price ever- $75.00...per stereo. The last place I went only charged $35, but they've since gone out of business. I told him I wanted to shop around before I made my final decision. He just smiled and said ""That's what everyone else in the area is going to charge you."" That's a lie. I have found two places, one who will charge $85 TOTAL and one that will charge $90 so both just a little over half as much. It was a horrible experience and still makes me mad when I think about it. I definatly will not be going back there.