Welcome to Sherry's Organizing Solutions Have you always wanted to get organized, but were not sure where or how to start? Whether you need help with time management, de cluttering your home, help with getting your family get organized or downsizing, Sherry's Organizing Solutions can help. We offer organizing solutions done in a sympathetic and nonjudgmental way, with the utmost respect and privacy given to our clients. With the very first phone call, Sherry puts perspective clients at ease with her strong listening skills and ability to partner with her clients to find solutions to their organizing challenges. Organizing is a process and we would love the opportunity to step you through the process and implement change in the most productive and efficient way possible. Services Offered: General household organizing and de cluttering whole house or single room Time management skills Utilizing a planner Organizing your family Paperwork Organization, dealing with school papers, dealing with bills/mail Organizing Home based businesses Home Office Organization Helping kids get organized Downsizing Call today for a FREE phone consultation.