<p>Evergreen specializes in providing help to resolve and prevent problems in the 3 Core Areas of our lives - Relationships, Education, and Careers. All Evergreen services are practical, down-to-earth, and work when done properly.</p>
<li>Relationships: Coupling Skills, Marriage Skills, Parenting Skills, Blended Family Skills, Amicable Divorce Skills, Post Divorce Skills, Workplace Skills, and Other Relationship Skills.</li>
<li>Education: Tutoring and Mentoring for Both the Academics and the Arts; All Grade Levels, Subjects, and Study Skills for Pre-School, Elementary, Middle, and High School to College Admissions and College; also Graduate School Admissions and Graduate School - For Lagging, Average, and Gifted Students.</li>
<li>Careers and Resumes: The Most Competitive and Effective Resumes, Career Choice, and Career Development.</li>
<p>All Consultations and Instruction Programs are based on private sessions and are customized to fit the individual. There are no groups or classes.</p>
<p>Without any additional cost, all Evergreen services include the weekly office appointment, plus 7-days-a-week supportive contact via phone consultations, emailing, faxing, or additional sessions - and, there is post service follow-up to help keep progress on track.</p>
<p>All Evergreen services are learning-based and are not coaching, mediation, negotiation, counseling, psychotherapy, or other mental health approaches. The atmosphere is comfortable and friendly, and there is plenty of free parking.</p>