Please understand that much of what I am about to write is indeed my own opinion and based solely on my own observations and experience. It seems to me that every policy and every decision made by upper management is based on greed and ego, and it seems to me that they want to take as much of your time and money as they can possibly get away with, and then they will still want more… lots more… and when you give them more, it’s not going to be enough… ever.
If you are considering working there, do not, even if you are desperate for work. There you will find a culture of condescending intimidation, ridiculous demands, long work days including weekends and late evenings, and stupid... really stupid bosses making really stupid decisions daily.
If you are considering attending, I recommend you to look elsewhere. Again, this is just my opinion, but Everglades is not worth its high tuition and outrageous fees. It’s way too expensive. The education, in my educated opinion as an educator, is mediocre at best, and most classes are really bad.
Tuition: $530 per credit hour.
Ed Fees: $400-800 per semester (what they are for is still a mystery to me and I worked there a long time!)
Books: ~$400-600 per semester (30% markup over list price + $5 per book “handling” + shipping)
There are several other fees involved. See page 62 of the EU catalog, which is available at By the way, to my knowledge a link to the catalog is not to be found on the EU website. But now you have it.
So, that brings us to well over seven thousand dollars per 12 credit hour semester… and that’s just for four classes. There is no discount or students wishing to take 15 or 18 credits per semester. They must pay an additional $1,590 for each additional three credit hour class.
This is, in my opinion, way too expensive for what you will get. There is nothing offered at the school that you can’t find somewhere else better and for less money.