E-ttorneys is a solely virtual law fimr that offers the same premier qualitiy of any big law firm, but without the excessive costs
E-ttorneys mission is two-fold: provide superior legal services and keep the costs low. At E-ttorneys we are committed to being a leading provider of legal services; fulfilling a need to assist clients to wade through the immensely cumbersome and complex system of law with elegance and ease and at prices you can afford. We have access to attorneys, to clients, to courts and to cases virtually anywhere, anytime. The world is changing. Old structures and ways of doing things are falling apart, paving the way for new, innovative methods in a new and changing world. E-ttorneys is innovative. E-ttorneys is paving the way for new attorney-client relationships! E-ttorneys has Innovative systems, the latest technology and great people that together provide a solid basis for assisting in even the most difficult or complex legal issues. We aim to create a different customer experience by streamlining our systems and enhancing our ability to provide the best legal expertise we can muster. Through E-ttorneys you have access to legal professionals who are skilled at what they do, who care about the results they get and who care about you!