Ethan Allen Cinemas -- Burlington, Vermont
A few years ago, Ethan Allen Cinemas was a second-run that would cost you a couple of bucks (literally) to see a movie that was a few months old. Unfortunately, the prices have been increased ($4 for matinées and $6 after 6PM) and the movies are all first- run with a few exceptions. Chances are if it's a second-run film it has just left the other two Merrill theaters in the area, The Roxy and The Majestic 10. Lovingly referred to as "the cheap seats," it was the cheapest ticket in town and also the least modern theater as well, the seating, screens, and sound were . . . well, cheap. I have great memories of the sound cutting out at the beginning or end and even one time when I watched the film melt on the screen, good times. Improvements have been made, but you can't improve something that was designed without the foresight of modern conveniences like stadium seating and screens the size of tractor trailers.