I really messed up my shoulder trying to move a dresser for my son's room. My regular doctor, who is actually very good, gave me massive pain pills (which unfortunately didn't work) and sent me for x-rays and then a specialist. I was convinced I had messed up my rotator cuff. When I went to the sports specialist he told me it was a pinched nerve in my neck and I had to reschedule to see their neck specialist. When I went to the desk I was told he was going on vacation for three weeks and they could schedule me for a month out. At this point I had lost most of the strength in my dominant hand and was in constant unrelenting pain.
In desperation, almost in tears, I called Dr McKenna's office since I had been going there for my back. Dr McKenna kept the office open so I could drive there immediately. Turns out I had displaced several of my ribs! He said it looks like I had knuckles sticking up along my spine and set about putting them back into place. The relief was immediate. He sent me for an MRI to make sure I hadn't damaged the meniscus, I had but not too bad. That has healed and I have gotten the strength back in my hand. No surgery, no drugs, just healing. Wonderful!