Professional, Trust Worthy, Reliable Service Every Time!
Erin Doolin Home & Office Cleaning has been serving the Rockingham & Hillsborough area since 2000. All cleaning service can be done, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the need of services. References can be supplied as needed.. Office Cleaning Description:Bathrooms: * Cleaning of Sink/Vanity Area* Floors Washed* Toilet Kitchen Area:* Cabinets * Countertops * Floor Vacuumed & Washed* Fronts of Appliances Wiped Down* SinkStairways:* Vacuumed or Wiped Down Depending On What Type of Flooring They Are (Carpet or Hardwood)In Each Room:* Baseboards and Doors Are Wiped Down* Ceiling Fans Are Dusted As Needed* Corners and Ceilings Are Checked For Cobwebs* Objects Hanging on Walls Are Dusted * Trash Barrels Are Emptied and Disposed of in Designated Area* Windows Are Cleaned As NeededExtra cleaning task can be done on for additional cost: * Beds Changed* Changing Of Cat Litter Boxes* Edge Vacuuming Of Rooms (One Floor per Cleaning)* Furniture Vacuumed* Inside Of Refrigerator Cleaned* Light Laundry* Personal Cleaning Plans Can Be Made To Fit Your Cleaning Needs* Windows Washed (One Floor per Cleaning) There is an initial cleaning cost of $150.00,then after a $55.00 minimum for each continuous cleaning. Cleaning products can be supplied by customer for a lower cleaning cost or by me,which the cost of products will be included in the regular cleaning cost. I bring my own vacuum,which can be used on all types of flooring.