Certified Personnel Consultant
CLIENT SERVICES ERIC V STEARLEY CPC & ASSOCIATES Eric V Stearley CPC offers experience in Recruitment of Professional Personnel since 1975. I am qualified to Search for your Professional Personnel in most areas to include: ?Engineering ?Manufacturing Management ?Accounting ?Sales/Marketing ?And All Support Functions I can Provide you a SR Technician to your VP/General Manager and save you Time in Reviewing Countless Unqualified Resumes. I Interview and Screen every potential candidate I refer to you in a Fast, Efficient and Professional Manner. I provide all of my Services on a Non-Retainer Basis. I Welcome the Opportunity to be of Service to you and your Company. Eric V Stearley CPC 9670 N. Kennedy?s Crossing RD PO Box 39 Brazil, Indiana 47834 Voice: 812-448-3490 e-mail: EricCPC@ericstearley.com web: www.EricCPC.com FAX: 812-442-5227. |Nationwide Searches|Recruiting|Recruiting|Searches|Job Placement|Employment Agencies