Lets face it! We all wish our teeth last forever. I wanted mine to stay as long as possible. Being a smoker, those real teeth were only appealing to me.
My fear of dentists created excuses that are extremely convincing, such as you don’t have time, if you have money to spear pay your debt… I had no idea the effect on my self-esteem. Pain finally won, and I was faced with a much bigger problem. Family members referred me to Dr. Eric; this is when I realized I was horrified of anything that has to do with dentists I started nagging over the phone. To my amazement the office has this warm feeling, everyone cares, very friendly staff. Everything is sterilized and replaced just for you; while you are being worked on there are some informational DVD playing, that I have enjoyed so much. The Dr is very knowledgeable; you can’t but to trust him. I have not experienced any down time doing my upper teeth, the temporary were perfect (much better then my real ones) the pain is gone!! Do not let your selves get to where I got!! Fix your teeth!! I adore my teeth now!! They are a million times better then the real ones!! So RUN THERE DO NOT WALK!!