This is not a real gym. People are snooty and unfreindly. It?s pretty with lots of buzzes and whistles. It has the look and feel of the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. With the middle of the road music blaring so load that I could not hear my Ipod over it, I just couldn?t find the energy to work out. The testosterone level is not very high here. Most people don?t actually work out. They just go through the motions or congregate and talk. Then there are the people on cell phones who are always in the way or running into you. People also don?t put up their weights. Trainers don?t even put up their weights.Trainers are mostly skinny boys, not just lean, SKINNY, who look aggravated because they haven?t gotten a modeling job. (Piece of inside information. The modeling industry died here when the rates began to sky rocket, but that?s another story) Maybe the boys don?t have the strength to pick up their weights.You?ll see a lot of insecure dismorphics, who?ve become victims of plastic surgeons; women and ?men?. People are rude. You?ll never hear, ?Please,? ?Thank you,? or ?excuse me?. If you say it, it has no effect. If you?re doing some kind of fly movement or even dumbbell presses, somebody will walk right into you.Need to pick up a dumbbell? You?ll have to move that boy staring at himself in the mirror out of the way.(That is why dumbbells are best located opposite of mirrors rather than blocking the mirrors)The place is not very large and without it being crowded, you could have trouble finding available equipment.Rates! $345 initiation and $125 a month. ?What! Do you think I?m an idiot?!? SO, for $345 down and $125 a month you can have some kid in post cataract sunglasses look down their nose at you, you can put up other people?s weights, listen in on people?s intrusive cell phone conversations, and wait in line for equipment. People in Miami feel special when they spend a lot of money, even when it?s poor quality.The best value in Miami Beach is SoBe Sports Club.
Pros: pretty
Cons: .Not worth the expence, location