i absolutely love the new location and am making Metropolis a weekly thing!! From the men to the drinks..this is this place to be!!!!
All reviews seem positive
Be yourself. If you're a new face "the fellahs" are going to ask questions. Try not to get all 20 wrong. Get one or two correct and you're already on your way to a good time. Try to remember that most of the regulars here already know each other. Who are you? Be friendly. The boys at Metropolis are oh-so-friendly. The pace of conversation here is frenetic, expect to be chatted up and down. Don't be surprised if you're invited over for a party. It might even be later tonight. Are you coming? Have an open mind. Hot, beefcake men in their 40s dancing shirtless not your thing? Go somewhere else. But if that sounds like bliss, you've found your home-away-from-home. The crowd gets younger as the evening continues.