This is the worst lending company I have ever, ever had any dealings with! They reel you in with promises of a way to get your less then perfect credit scores a great loan, and will put you through hoops you could never imagine, promise you a pay out date and that day never happens... When asked to get the name & number of a superior lender agent gave me phone numbers to everyone but an Envision Superior from other agencies, and they run you around for week after week, and all of them Envision Lender Agent and then I find out all the people involved, work out of their homes, and their email goes down, their phones don't work (supposedly) but the blackberry she forgot to look at (yeah right).. After many months and cruelty-DENIED! Why? B/C Agent told us that the appraiser was not licensed to appraise in Oregon where the house is.. she claimed he was the worst, unethical person, making the loan have to start from the beginning after more credit had to be used (a scam I found out later is common- promise them a cash out and stall them until they have exhausted all credit or missed other payments in anticipation of payout! Efforts to demand a higher rate out of exhausted & unsuspecting victims! The to make matters worse agent told my sister she felt terrible by what the appraiser did to her but for her to stay out of it, the agent would get her my sisters money back & get the guy busted in the state she claimed he was licensed in (Washington)! I checked the guy out b/c if it were true then he was going to have to pay damages! With 1quick GOOGLE search he was right there in Oregon as legit as could be! I sent him the e-mails with Envisions clams he thwarted the loan and was unethical! He is going to take them to the proper boards & commissions! I am going to do my best to see that they do not hurt anyone more.. we aren't the only ones, there are many. Hard to find b/c Envision buries reviews as deep as they can on GOOGLE searchs! You have been forewarned!!!!
Pros: NONE!
Cons: Agents work from home, are unprofessional, unknwledgeable, & have no one to complain to