They documented the level of fuel incorrectly. When I received the car I wrote down what the level was because I knew I was going to have this car for a long time and I didn't want to forget. Two weeks later I fill it up to what it was at when I got it. (Yes I filled it some, turned the car on, and added more until it hit the mark. I'm a penny-pincher). When I brought it back, they said the fuel level was higher than what I recorded. Then they were going to charge me more gas than needed to make it to the ""correct level"". I took the car myself back over to the gas station and filled it myself.\r
I know I'm nit-picking at about $10, but if you do get a car from here, take a picture of the fuel tank level with the mileage on it. I'm wishing I took one instead of writing it down on a sheet of paper.