Do NOT attempt to rent a car from this rental car company if you do NOT have a major credit card with a significant balance. They will put $200 deposit + the entire cost of the rental car rental on HOLD on your card and then you will hopefully have enough credit balance to enjoy your vacation. If you try and use a debit card, they will not let you rent without 2 other forms of verification. ie: you will need 1) a utility bill with the same address as your billing address and in your name 2) lease agreement or proof of ownership. This is ridiculous as I tried to use my debit card to simply pay for my rental car to keep my credit card balance for my actual vacation and they would not let me use my debit card without the 2 other forms of verification. I told them I would fly home get it and fly back with their information and they said oh ok.... I would try another rental car company that is more customer friendly with no last minute surprises and doesn't have weird corporate policies that are implemented with no questions asked.