The Best personal training for women. Each month we will create a personalized plan for you that will help you achieve your short-term goals and bring you closer to your long-term fitness goals. This plan will include workouts for when you are with the trainer and on your own, nutrition, and other wellness habits that affect your goals. Once we have the plan, we decide together what the best form of accountability will be for you to follow this plan. In order to achieve your goals, it is critical that we focus not only on the hour training session, but the other 23 hours in the day. Weight training is critically important for women's health, especially as we age. Building more muscle will help lose weight, maintain bone density, keep the integrity of joints, reduce the risk of disease, and develop mental and emotional stability. It is for these reasons that all client programs contain some level of weight training. Weight training will not make you bulky, it will make you toned & lean.