Complimentary Consultation The first visit to our office will consist of a thorough examination by Dr. Salaita. We will take complimentary digital photos and a digital panoramic x-ray to aid with the diagnosis. After carefully analyzing the nature of your needed correction, Dr. Salaita will recommend the best course of treatment for improving your dental health and smile. Our treatment coordinator will go over in detail the treatment plan. She will also give you the treatment cost along with the payment options. Diagnostic Records Diagnostic Records are taken after the treatment consultation. These records assist Dr. Salaita with the treatment plan for each individual case. The records consist of digital photos of the face and teeth, digital x-rays and study models. These records provide information that is not always revealed by a visual examination. Treatment time depends on the severity of the case. Dr. Salaita, in most cases, is able to estimate the treatment time at the new patient consultation. Once a treatment plan has been established, our treatment coordinator will present all the payment options that are available. Many dental insurance plans now include orthodontic benefits, and we will work with your insurance company to maximize your benefits.. Orthodontics,Children and Adult Orthodontics,Clear and Traditional braces and Invisalign