Malachi 3:15 says, From now on we will say, Blessed are the arrogant, for those who do evil get rich. It doesn't take much to see that the members of that church gain their wealth through unGodly actions towards others. They mask their witchcraft, and snake charming voodoo as methods of spirituality when the fact is it is part of a Satanic ritual. The facts still arise that they too disobey Jesus when he spoke about using their church for things other than prayer and worshiping Jesus. You only have to see the Fewells, Staffords, and the Wigals to know that they have gotten rich, and claim they are blessed and truly if you read Malachi they are indeed blessed from their evil doing, right up their with the seven day followers and Jehovah Witnesses in cult practices. According to Mathew 18:7, anyone who forces me to commit sin, will have a harder time of getting into heaven then I will for being forced to spread my legs for someone when I want to live by the ocean. They are telling me the only way that I can leave Indiana is to commit a sin of marrying someone I would never love to get the money to leave here, right now. And very day that goes by that they don't hand me the money through the courts proves that they have caused me to commit a sin. Since the money is mine, by the law, and they have pretended not to understand what due process is, they will be in hell. That includes every judge who has taken money from me to give to someone else, and every doctor who has no understanding of the laws and my rights. Furthermore, it will be on their heads that I was not allowed to have children, when I wanted them. According to Malachi 3:15 For now we will say, Blessed are the arrogant who through their evil work get rich. And since you have not allowed me to have the money to leave Indiana now and immediately and still have made me wait for it, it will be harder for you to get into heaven then for me since you are causing me to commit sin, by ignoring the laws, and my rights to choose for myself, and be paid the money that I am owed. You are denying me the right to marry because my husband is in another state not here in Indiana.