They have really good chinese food. Their soup of the day is cooked for long hours hence extracting every little soul of carrots, pork, beans, and what have you. However, they flavor it with MSG which I find unnecessary if cooked for a long time. Their chicken, crispy or steamed is really good. I also had this steamed eggplant that was flavorful and the eggplant was nice and tender. However, prior to ordering the eggplant I asked the waiter if the eggplant will be friend and he said 'no' so I ordered it. When it came out it was obvisiouly been fried due to the caramalization. As some of you may be familiar chinese food is notorious for par frying everything. Mind you that they have a big red 'C'. Usually a 'C' tells you how tasty the restuarant it. Don't worry I didn't get food poisining or stomachahe.
Pros: Soup, Food
Cons: 'C'