If you're like most people, you don't want to go to the dentist because you’re not a masochist and have a busy life.
I don’t expect much from most dentists, the usual pleasantries, waiting while I have my teeth checked/cleaned while staring at the ceiling… thinking about Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors.
When I had my appointment with Dr. Ro, I was very pleasantly surprised. Jeff, the office manger, made sure that I kept my appt and found a timeslot that fit my schedule.
Dr. Ro asked a number of questions about my prior work, took low radiation x-rays, and even showed me some close-ups of my tooth on their monitor, “I’m ready for my close-up now”. Throughout the appointment, she asked if I was comfortable and to let her know if I felt any discomfort.
And the best part? I got to watch David Chappelle while my teeth were being cleaned! How you like dem apples?
So, no pain, check
No boredom, check
Going to make future appointments with them, definitely!