I worked all year, got my income tax and went to ely brokerage looking for a car for me AND MY BABY!! picked out the best looking car on the lot for the right price, yes they let you drive off with it. I paid 3,400 dollars for a 98 ford escort. They told me it drives great. used all my money to buy the car. 2 weeks later I had trouble with shifting gears and the key started to get stuck. I called them and they told me there is nothing they can do about it. I am soo angry!! Timing is the engine!! The car didnt run hot at all, no signs of trouble. fell in love with it!! Im going down the road and MY CAR JUST SHUTS OFF AND NEVER STARTS BACK!!! 3,400 DOWN THE DRAIN AND THERES NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT ?????? They make you think you are getting a good deal and they STICK u with a bought as is! 2 weeks later me and my daughter are stuck on the side of the road and my car till this day dont start! I bought my car is febuary, its april 21st, still dont have my hands on the title OR tag. supposely my title is locked up in the office and they have no way access to it. Till this day, i am chasing them for my title!!