Being a family owned and run funeral home; we understand the individual desires of families and are able to provide distinct and specialized services. Each service is customized to the needs of the family it serves. Services can include but are not limited to:
Traditional funeral services
Religious funeral services
Contemporary funeral services
Memorial services (with or without the body present)
Cremations (with or without memorial service)
Cremations following traditional funeral service
Preplanning, prearrangement, or prepaid services
Services can be held in our facility, another facility or another location of your choice.
We further are able to provide you with:
Granite or bronze memorials (monuments, markers, cornerposts)
Other cemetery needs (vases, candles, etc.)
Flowers for funerals or other occasions
Flag cases (for display of Veteran's flags)
Engraving services (for memorial plates or other items)
Urns (large or individual urns for cremated remains)