This office is shared by both Dr. Janet Yu and Dr. Dolores Policicchio, both are not bad doctors but they have some of the wost office staffs one can imagine. Dr. Yu has seven reviews up on this site already, and ALL of them contain complaints about her front office people!! Just a few things right off the top of my head: they are blunt, incompetent, sefl important, uncaring, always looking for short cuts, mess up your insurance paper work/ authorization/ specialists referral, and petty minded and vengeful if you catch their mistakes... The list goes on but I dont want to be typing all day. This clicky all girl crew is like straight from a 3rd world country AND they act like they are working at some powerful government jobs in a 3rd world country dealing with street folks! That means you! How do you work with these even if you like the doctor? You can't make it work!! Your insurance card is lost, your are double billed, you are blamed for not liking your specialist, you are stuck with the bill when they mess up the insurance claim, etc, etc. This office crew makes you feel that you have to bend over backward for them to do their jobs! But you are already sick, your messages dont get through to the doctor if the crew does not like you, you need to fight the wrong bills, and etc... How can it work?!
Pros: null
Cons: null