My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for over a year. We were charting and timing everything right, but didn't have any luck. We had begun infertility testing, and I was told that if my husband's sperm counts were o.k. and they couldn't find any obvious problem with me, I would be put on fertility drugs to ensure ovulation. From charting, I already knew I was ovulating, plus I dislike taking any medications at all. I researched and found information that acupuncture could possibly help. The info did say it could take up to 9 months for results, but I was willing to try drug-free methods. Miracle of miracles! It was only 6 weeks after beginning the acupuncture that I found out that I was finally pregnant. After 20 months of waiting, we were elated. Acupuncture was the only thing I had changed in my lifestyle during that last cycle, so I firmly believe that it was our saving grace.
Now that I am pregnant and due in October, I am using acupuncture to manage my morning sickness and my allergies. It is wonderful!
Incidentally, my sister-in-law began acupuncture 10 weeks ago to deal with her chronic colitis. It had great results. She was able to eat two meals without a trip to the restroom, which is a really big deal for her. Miraculously, she found out that she, too, is pregnant and is due one month after me.
Thank you for providing this wonderful site, with all of its great information!
Dawn M.
Pros: Results