In the matter of the owner of Elite Skin Rejuvenation Spa, Case # 20110323HS433 as indicated 12/15/2011, the owner's license (59352) has been disciplined for giving unlicensed laser photo facials and fined in the amount of $1000.00 by the Massachusetts Board of Cosmetology. The owner previously stated that she was licensed and trained to perform this procedure and ridiculed and demeaned this former customer on a review site, by stating that he was left blistered and scarred as a result of sick, ungodly sex acts that this former customer performed on himself. The owner continues to deny any wrongdoing, even though she has been disciplined by the Division of Professional Licensure of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! The proof is in the pudding. The fine is the highest amount that the (Board) can render! She has had her attorney contact me and threaten me with criminal harassment for asking for my money back for the past unlicensed photo facials, that she performed! I have appealed to her sense of human decency, to apologize and return the rest of my money, that I paid for unlicensed photo facials! To this date, she refuses! It gives me no pleasure at all, to inform the public, however, this former customer still has the scars that he is still trying to fade with over the counter products! This customer remains a victim of her irresponsible, reckless and wanton behavior!!!!