Worst vet in Elgin by far - or anywhere I've lived. Old man, old techniques, no computers, rotary phone, no filing system. No collections. No compassion for pets. Make sure if you go there you have a lot of $$ for the huge bill at the end of a series of treatments not explained. Also be prepared - if you don't have the $$ to pay on the spot they will literally steal your dog and tell you you can't have him/her back until bill is paid. I would NEVER board my dog here for ANY reason. They're the smallest cages I've ever seen. The dogs are never let out for physical activity. Is be surprised if they even had an interpersonal interaction with my pet if it was to stay. Beyond that if your bill remains unpaid, they send someone (vets wife) to your door to collect $$. Apparently they do this all the time. Apparently they do not know it's completely illegal. When I asked for a bill to be mailed to me they said they don't mail bills. What kind of business won't mail an invoice but will show up at your door like a mobster?? I had to call the cops once before on this vet for ""stealing"" my dog and the cops made him (the vet) give me back my dog. Because stealing pets for unpaid vet balances, just like sending your wife to my private home to collect a debt owed to an established business - is illegal. They think bullying and stalking and threatening is the way to run their business. They're going to learn with me that it is not. I'm more determined now than ever to NOT pay the balance. I'm not one of the many they've done this too. Their own employees said they do this ALL THE TIME to people. It's unprofessional and unacceptable. I might pay them a couple bucks a month if they mail me a statement every month. Otherwise I can't wait till this old guy is either retired or dead so that people won't continue being harassed by him.