**Ehmann and Sons Greenhouses** has been providing Central Ohio with the finest quality plant materials since 1962. Our 100,000 square feet of greenhouses are located at 6001 Lambert Road, Orient OH 43146 (614) 877-3166 and are fully stocked with the finest annuals, perennials, vegetables, trees , shrubs, and garden accessories.. * Trees
* Shrubs
* Holiday Plants
* Bulk Seed
* Top Soils
* Mulches
* Perennials
* Crafts
* Pottery
**Looking for ideas on what to plant in your garden? Here are just a few of our favorites:**
Full sun
18 -36" high
A very versatile plant that can be used in pots,hanging baskets,as a bedding plant,or even as a specimen plant. Available in many shades of red,white,orange,and magenta. As with most flowers,remove spent blooms to promote more growth.
**New Guinea Impatiens**
Partial / Full sun
12 - 24"
Great for pots and beds,the New Guinea's can take some full sun,but they'll do best if they get some shade during the heat of the day.
**Gerbera Daisy**
Full / Partial Sun
8 - 36"
Elegant daisy-like flowers attract butterflies. Best used in mass plantings,great in pots. Available in shades of red,yellow,orange,white,and pink.
Full Sun
4 - 12"
This old fashioned favorite c an't be beat for masses of color during the hot summer months. But new varieties like Wave somehow improve on the best! Perfect as a spreading groundcover or in hanging baskets,and available in about any color except blue.
Full / Partial Shade
6 - 18"
Probably the best choice for spectacular color in those shady areas of your gardens,and they come in almost every color. One of the best low maintenance plants. Wonderful as bedding plants,and work well in shaded hanging baskets.