Rather than wait for our transmission to die on us after it started making a clunking noise, we asked around to find someone to do preventative maintenance. Ed's came highly recommended and we weren't disappointed.
The mechanic was able to guess what was wrong just from hearing the noise and gave us an estimate based on that. Turns out that he was right on about what the problem was. He was up front about not doing any work to the truck over what he estimated without speaking to us first.
They did need to keep the truck an extra day because they weren't able to flash the computer there, they needed to take it to Ford and couldn't get it done early enough in the day. This service caused it to go over the estimated cost but he called and explained everything before having it done.
I wouldn't call Ed's a bargain but you get great service and peace of mind for your money. I would definitely trust them to work on another of our cars.