I ordered an arrangement for delivery on Mother's Day via the web. Having received an e-mail confirmation of the order, I felt confident that it would arrive as expected. On mother's day the arrangement had not yet arrived, so I called to inquire. After spelling my name 3 times, and having the store clerk repeat it back to me incorrectly each time, she finally put me on hold and came back to the line to say they had no record of my order. Apparently the website is designed so poorly, so that if a store is overbooked for deliveries that day, they simply never receive it AT ALL!! Her reply was a blunt ""I'm sorry"" and ""your card was not charged"". She made no attempt to offer us an alternative. Had she said we could take the order for you again and get it out to you at a later date, I'd have still been disappointed, but I'd have at least felt like they truly cared about their customers. It's astonishing to me that their system allows a written confirmation of a delivery which will never take place! I find it even harder to believe that this isn't cause for concern, as made blatantly obvious by the total disregard of the store clerk and one of their customer service representatives at their call center. I will not be ordering from them again, and if you should decide to try them, DO NOT use their website!
Pros: Unique gift
Cons: Poor website, poor customer service, expensive