This is a very cheap 9 hole par 64 course in Uxbridge. It's poorly maintained, poorly laid out, and it's easy to lose balls. First and foremost, do NOT venture into any of the rough or hazards unless you want a nasty dose of poison ivy. The weed is literally everywhere, and I would be shocked if the grounds crew were not regularly infected or are comprised of the some of the 15% of the population that's immune to urushiol. Second, it's very difficult to tell what you should aim at the first time you go since each hole's boundaries are ill defined. Some pins are completely hidden from the tee box, even on par 3's. There are also no yardage markers, and the flag pole height is not standard, which makes it very difficult to judge distance especially when you can't see the green. In all, it's a very poor excuse for a course. It is slightly amusing to watch drunk people searching for balls among the huge stands of poison ivy, but it's not worth the aggravation of playing this monstrosity. I won't go back.