I have been to another easy life store before and had a good experience with the store's sales staff, but this was my first time at this location. As soon as I walked in, I was hounded by one of the sales members. He asked if I needed help and I told him that I was just looking around and I would let him know if I had any questions (hint hint...leave me alone!) At this point, most people will leave you to do shopping on your own, but not this one. He followed me around the store making comments about their ""fine and exotic asian hardwood"" (like I'm stupid I would believe that whopper!) and pushing me to buy some of the ugliest funiture I have ever seen. Told him several times that I was not interested in a microfiber couch, but that didn't stop him from pointing them out as I was trying to shop. The guy did not give me any space at all. I tried to ignore him, but he followed right behind me talking about how much HE loved microfiber couches. He crossed far beyond the boundary of being helpful. Finally, I was so annoyed, I just left and I wasn't able to finish looking around. The good thing is that he did give me his schedule, next time I will go on his day off. LoL, did he actually think that I would make sure to go back when he was working so I could buy furniture from him? I know he was desperate for a sale, but his tactics made me feel like I was at a car dealership. If you choose to go to this location, beware of this man, because he will ruin your shopping experience.
Pros: love some of the furniture and the prices are affordable
Cons: One particular man will annoy you right back out the door