Please note that this is a review of the practice, and how it is run. It is not a review of the doctor himself. I have been a patient of Dr Carstensen for over 13 years, (before he started with this practice.) I have always thought of him as a trusted resource and partner in my health care needs. This was my first experience dealing with this new practice that he is a part of. I had scheduled an appointment for 10 am Monday morning to get my medication renewed. It was not the most convenient time for me as I had to reschedule several client meetings to accommodate the practice's schedule. When I arrived at 10 with all of my paperwork complete I was told that in fact my appointment was at 9, and there was no chance of getting into see the doctor today. My schedule has me out for the following 3 days, so I will have to wait to another week until I am able to refill any of my medication. If you read the other reviews that are posted by patients, (many I assume that are prior patients at this point,) it seems that there are several internal issues on how the practice is run. Even when I was riding in the elevator up, there was a couple who were complaining about scheduling issues with the practice. I do find the irony that in the new patient paperwork that I have to sign a form that allows them to charge my card when I am not able to make an appointment. I am curious what their policy is when they foul up on their end. It is extremely evident that this is an ongoing problem with East West Health Center. Please note, again, this is not a review of the doctor himself. It is purely an indictment on the practice itself. I genuinely respect Dr Carstensen as a medical professional, but I do have a hard time doing business with this practice ever again