Several of the teachers must not have made it past 6th grade. One teacher can barely pronounce the 5th grade spelling list. The same teacher could NEVER send home study sheets without SERIOUS errors. 2 teachers call the kids names- DAILY- things like- stupid, you suck, babies. One of these teachers also has tripped a child on purpose and thrown a football very hard at a child in order to hurt them. On more than ONE occasion I watched the so called vice principal bully children. They are major hypocrites. They are very judgemental. The 4th grade teacher actually told a child NOT to tell the parents the problems she was having in class. The teacher said ""your mom doesn;t want to hear your problems"". They are NOT accredited in any way and NONE of the teachers are certified. This school doesnt belong to any private school organization and is nothing more than a cult of morons. They abuse the kids. A vast majority of the teachers were REMOVED from another local private school for many many wrong doings. RUN...stay FAR FAR away from this school!! Do your research and trust will RUN FAR AWAY!! They are dramatically behind in math and science by the way. They do not even deserve one star....but the site made me give a rating. This ""school"" should NOT be able to operate based on the issues the last several years...not just us...but LOTS of families have left in the last 3 years.