I was underwhelmed with the level of customer service. I strongly recommend McMurtry if you are in the East Nashville or Madison area. I personally have switched. I have used McMurtry's trash service for about 10 years. While you are supposed to put your trash at the road, if I happen forget McMurtry will go all the way down my long driveway to get my trash can. If I forgot with EarthSavers the can would rot for another month until my next pick up! I found EarthSavers quarterly billing being deducted from my checking account to be inconvenient. Also, I know I am a big girl & should be able to pull any info I needed from their website, however, I much prefer the personal service I receive when I call McMurtry. I have heard further anecdotal complanits about EarthSavers, but since it was told to me by a third party I will refrain from posting it here. I give EarthSavers 1-2 stars & McMurtry 5 stars!