I was extremely disappointed with the service i received at Earnhardt Hyundai. When i arrived on the lot to look at vehicles, no one greeted me for the first 20 minutes. Then, the person that finally came to talk to me was more like a greasy car salesman. He fed me lies about how he had the same car that i wanted to purchase and that he only got oil changes every 10,000 miles. That was the biggest LIE i had ever heard. I should have left the lot right then, but i didn't because i wanted to know what deals they had. After speaking with him, I spoke with one of the general sales managers about prices. This man was also a big liar. He told me that there were features that he could add to the vehicle that I wanted althought he knew that wasn't possible. They wanted to run my credit, but I opted not to because I only wanted it ran if i knew for sure that i'd be purchasing from them. So, i told them what my credit scores were from the 3 credit bureaus. It so happened that my score was the same at 2 of the 3 bureaus and the sales GM pretty much called me a liar stating that what i was telling him was not true. He kept asking me why i didn't want my credit ran and after i told him my reasons he fed me more lies about how my credit score wont drop due to inquiries. He just made it seem as though i was hiding something when in truth i really wasn't. i just didn't want them to run my score. Nevertheless, before i left he told me that he'd work out more figures and give me a call the next day. Which never happened. So, i went to Nick Mayer Hyundai and purchased a brand new 2011 Hyundai Sonata that I'm pleased with. Moral of the story, DON'T purchase your vehicle at Earnhardt Hyundai because you won't get treated with respect and you'll probably get fed lies. I expected more from them since they bear the Earnhardt name, but they definitely didn't live up to it. After I purchased my new car elsewhere I went back to Earnhardt to give that slimy salesman and sales GM a piece of my mind, but neither were there. That's a good thing for them because I definitely had some choice words and stuff that i needed to get off of my chest!