we called them for c-store RICH -In cooler to fix. their tech. arrived and tell us they charge $100.00 hr. we ask him ok but give us ome astimate how much it will cost us to fix it. he start working every hr. we ask him how much it will be he as keep saying I DONT NO YET finally he done and cooler was working that time we ask him HOW MUCH he says My companey will bill you. After 3 days we recived bill it was shoking $3200.00 it is too much we called their companey they says tech. wrok there for 14hr. now in my 15 years retail experiance i never see any time this much bill to fix a c-store richin cooler the cooler cost by it self $4500.00 i think they are so big companey and ther are not good for small business